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We deliver the knowledge that helps our clients successfully support their international interests

Our advisory services are delivered by highly qualified personnel to provide strategic guidance.

What we deliver

We will typically advise on the full spectrum of the security landscape, about the diverse environments in which our clients will be expected to operate, and the host nation governments with whom they will be partnering.

Based on our experience we provide critical local context for a range of topics including, language and culture, rules of law, geography and weather, transportation, logistics and how to exist in a hostile environment.

Decorative Red and blue circles
Advisory Capabilities - Sub Sahara

How we deliver it

We rely on long-standing, trusted relationships with local partners to ensure we are getting the most up to date insight in any given location.

During this process and based on the information received, we are always aware of our clients’ protocols, requirements and conditions of appointment. In addition, we will address or provide information not factored in the original brief.

Through our global advisory team, we will tailor our advice around a spectrum of client needs. We will typically package our advice in reports or in-person presentations (that can be more widely distributed) and work with our clients on ensuring that this advice is then put into practice and sustained.

During all phases of the process, we can deploy operatives to work with our clients, or if desirable, become embedded with their partners in the field.

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Advisory Capabilities - Eastern Europe

Where we deliver it

We are active in many challenging areas of the world.

We have our own teams in Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, whilst we work with security vetted associates in Eastern Europe and the US.

Decorative Red and blue circles
SEPAR International – operations, training & advisory

Talk to us about Advisory

If you are seeking either security or logistical advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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