Supporting Local Afghan Sporting Clubs
At SEPAR we try as much as we can to support, develop and train young Afghan sporting clubs so that they can continue to promote peace through sport safely in an increasingly violent country.
This week our charity The SEPAR International Community Foundation gave a free 4hr training to eleven members of several sporting groups based in Kabul including:
- Drop and Ride
- Marathon of Afghanistan
- Karim Running Club
- Free to Run
- Kabul Curling Team
- Afghan Snow Leopards Club
- Afghan Parkour Society
All of these groups are run by young Afghans promoting peace in their country through the use of sport, all them of are open to anyone and are inclusive regardless of sex, age, religion or race.
We taught them situational awareness, trauma medical and personal safety and security in an afternoon session at our offices in central Kabul.
Every participant thoroughly enjoyed the session and we were happy to answer any of their questions and queries.
Living and working in Kabul is often a very tricky scenario especially when your beliefs of equality aren't always appreciated, just last week the Minster of Education announced a ban on females over 12 singing in public however this was quickly retracted by the government after worldwide condemnation.
Thank you to our instructors in Kabul and we look forward to the next one! To keep an eye out for a range of courses provided by SEPAR check out our course calendar.